A Journey to Happiness
Whenever someone has asked me what it means to be happy, I have always described it with other words. Peace, contentment, money, family, good career, and several other things that are tied to being happy. But what does it mean to be just happy? How do we become happy without all the extra fluff around the word happiness? Imagine someone asking you what makes you happy? What is your answer? Let’s talk about it.
Imagine sitting in a field enjoying sunlight and a fresh breeze whirling around in the air. What do you think about when you close your eyes? Do you think your friends or family? Do you think about all the tasks and to do lists you didn’t finish? Maybe you think about nothing at all. In those still moments of solitude, your thoughts will teach you everything you need to know about you. Your emotions, your struggles, and burdens, and ultimately your happiness. Let what comes to your mind educate you on what you have put as the center of your life. Is it happiness? If things of sorrow or stress come across your mind, it may be time to re-evaluate what you hold in the center of your life. It may be a sign that it is time to finish that book you have been dying to read or maybe go on that walk with a loved and finally make that time together. Having the core fundamentals of your happiness at the center of your life will fill you with peace and hope and life brings on its inevitable challenges.
Speaking of challenges, they are such a familiar topic that every single person can relate too. Trials can make us feel like they are the only thing that stand in our way of pure and genuine happiness. What if I told you that if even in your darkest moments, if you put the things that are at the center of your happiness first, you can be happy even during the darkest times of your life? This does not mean that we can avoid pain and sorrow by doing so. What we can do is find ways to pull ourselves out of the dark caves we walk throughs as we face life’s challenges. These things that make us happy are our guidelines to making it out of such troublesome times.
Re-evaluating what brings you joy and happiness can completely change the way you see life. You deserve to feel peace and happiness in your everyday life. You were meant to enjoy everything that surrounds you and find enlightenment and happiness in every part of life. Find what makes you purely happy and surround yourself with these things daily in anyway that you can. Watch as you feel your life transform along with your spirit. You deserve it. So close your eyes, what do you see?